The sale of a fighter plane declared by trump which never exist!
The sale of a fighter plane declared by trump which never exist!
Computer games are becoming famous day by day. Better
visuals and improved AI have made the adores of Call Of Duty to almost real
which can ever be possible, so you can involve in lethal battle on a universal
scale in real time without being shot or killed by other opponent.
Now it looks
like that this game is becoming actual reality - at a combined press conference
with Norwegian minister, Trump declared that United States had shifted the Scandinavian
country a jet fight which is actually can happen in only Call of Duty.
In full
swing transporting the first F-52s and F-35 jets started in November, announced
by trump. "We have a total of 52 and they've delivered a number of them
already a little ahead of schedule. It's a $10 billion order”
So it is true that
we have sold 52 jet fighters to Norway means by American aerospace, F-35 jets
will be delivered as F-52 named jet never exist, it only exist in a game named
as Call Of Duty.
So the confusion is that they bought “Norway” 52 jets not F-52,
they actually bought-35, you can say that it was a slip of Tongue. Mistakes can
happen but at this level people taking it as weird. Or may be F-52 is a secret
jet fighter if this is a case, or in real it’s just a slip of tongue. The trump
critics taking this as opportunity to criticize him obviously!
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