Bitcoin Converts into Permitted Tender in Canada!

Bitcoin Converts into Permitted Tender in Canada! KFC is accepting bitcoin as payment method in Canada which somehow making the cryptocurrency as legal tender, we can say that. But there is a one point you should know before taking off to Canada to have some low-priced finger licking chicken, they’ve sold out, yeah it was a limited offer. That bucket in exchange of Bitcoin had 10 tenders, fries (waffle), a sideline, little bit of gravy & a couple of dips, which cost around 0.001167 of a bit coin which is approximately cost $20. But not be sad, KFC had said that this deal will come back soon, so be ready and keep an eye But not sure how much bitcoin will be asked for that bucket this time, as bitcoin price is expcted to go up. So you can imagine if you are having a one Bitcoin only, then how many chicken and waffles you can have from KFC, so keep your bitcoin save for that finger lickin chicken. We can say that this stunt was amazi...